April 17, 2020 -
OTTAWA, ON — Yesterday, Stephanie Kusie, Conservative Shadow Minister for Families, Children and Social Development, wrote a letter to Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development. The letter outlines concerns about barriers that many Canadians face attempting to access government services and benefits through Service Canada as a result of closed Service Canada centres and overwhelmed phonelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Since the closure of Service Canada Centres, many Canadians are experiencing extremely long wait times when attempting to access Service Canada over the phone,” said MP Kusie. “This lack of access to phone support from Service Canada is disproportionally impacting seniors and rural Canadians and preventing many from accessing the government benefits they depend on.”
MP Kusie also expressed her appreciation for the hard work that public servants are continuing to do during this pandemic. That is why in her letter, MP Kusie asked that the government ensure that hard working public servants “receive the appropriate support they need in order to stay healthy and safe, as they continue their important work to help Canadians.”
“The Government of Canada has a responsibility to assist Canadians so that they can access their benefits without delay.” MP Kusie continued, “At a time when millions of Canadians are facing unprecedented hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, these gaps in service are unacceptable. Your government must address these challenges now that Service Canada Centres have been closed and over-the-phone support is the only source of information for many Canadians.”
To read the full letter, click here.
For More Information: Office of Stephanie Kusie, MP