September 8, 2020 


Mission, BC – Today, Brad Vis, M.P., Mission–Matsqui–Fraser Canyon, was appointed the Conservative Shadow Minister for Housing by the Hon. Erin O’Toole, P.C., M.P., Leader of the Official Opposition.

A complete break-down of the new Shadow Cabinet for the Conservative Party of Canada is found here. 

MP Vis has issued the following statement: 

“I am honoured to be named to Mr. O'Toole’s Shadow Cabinet and am excited to continue working with my colleagues in this new capacity as part of our Conservative government-in-waiting. We have a strong, capable team that is ready for the potential of a fall federal election. 

The Trudeau Liberal government is failing to deliver on numerous issues and sadly, housing is no exception. The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporations’ own data shows that over the past two years, only 0.5 per cent of $1.46 billion allocated through the National Housing Co-Investment Fund has gone to affordable housing projects in B.C. Accessible, targeted federal programs with built-in regional equity provisions are clearly needed. 

Affordable, appropriate housing remains a challenge for far too many. Canadians should have a reasonable opportunity to own their own home, and everyone should have access to safe and affordable housing. I look forward to providing solutions and driving policy change to ensure this is the reality for Millennials, Gen Z, and future generations of aspiring homeowners.”




Opposition Leader’s Office Contact:

Kelsie Chiasson

[email protected]

(613) 292-4239


MP Office Contact: 

Blair Kesteven

[email protected]

(613) 992-1275