Vis' View - The House Returns

The House Returns, So Does School! 

Hello Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon. Before I begin, let me wish all the kids in our riding a safe and successful return to school. This year, I had mixed feelings as my four-year-old son Nicholas moved up to kindergarten! 

As my son has started school, one of the great joys in life is witnessing him find his own way, make new friends and discover what his likes and dislikes are. My hope is that all of our children get off to a great start as we complete our second week of school! Secondly, thank you to all of our teachers. Your profession is not easy; you’re often left alone with 25 kids in a room all day by yourself! Education is a true calling, and I wish you the best!! 

On Monday, September 16, the House of Commons will resume sitting for the fall session. Like at school, MPs set objectives and plan out what they hope to accomplish in the year ahead. Please fill out this survey so that I can be ready to make your voice heard on the floor of the House! 

New Session, New Committee 

As you may know, I have served on the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology for the last two years. In that time, I’ve fought hard for stronger protection for children under the broken privacy & AI Bill C-27, passed crucial amendments to strengthen the anti-money laundering Bill C-42, and held the Industry Minister to account for the massive EV battery subsidies and corporate handouts through Sustainable Development Technology Canada.  

I was also able to work with my colleagues to push forward changes to Canada’s investment laws (Investment Canada Act) to require all state-owned enterprises to be automatically subject to national security reviews. This is especially important in the context of Western Canada, where China has been active in purchasing natural resource assets and technologies to advance their international agenda at the expense of Canada’s and the entirety of the West.  

As my responsibilities as Shadow Minister of Small Business still very much overlap with those of the Industry Committee, I will still be attending meetings on a semi-regular basis. Many of you have written me regarding my work on children’s privacy. Please be assured that I will still be moving amendments to C-27 to create a robust legislative framework to protect the best interests of children as it relates to their privacy and online activities. As the parent of three kids, I’m especially concerned about what our children consume online and how this plays out in their understanding of the world and their interactions with their peers and families. I also strong believe that laws are needed to prevent companies from monetizing the online behaviours of children for commercial purposes.  

In addition to this continued work, I am pleased to be joining the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure & Communities (TRAN). I’ve been told I was specifically placed on this committee to bring a western Canadian perspective. I couldn’t agree more, and my first act will be tabling a motion to examine British Columbia’s supply chain resiliency. As many of you experienced firsthand, Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon was one of the hardest hit regions by fires, floods and landslides in 2020 and 2021. The impacts included: 

  • Lytton burning; 
  • CN & CP railways being wiped out; 
  • Southern Railway being compromised; 
  • The Coquihalla & Duffy highways being wiped out 
  • Highway #1 in the Canyon being wiped out; and 
  • Highway #1 in the Valley being flooded, to name a few! 

All that said, I will be using my place on this committee to push the government to explain if our current infrastructure is enough to withstand another disaster and what needs to be done to protect Canada’s vital trade corridors that run through Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon and surrounding areas in the interior and the Fraser Valley.   

I imagine with the possibility of a strike at Air Canada, we will be spending ample time ensuring labour disruptions do not have long-term impacts on our business and personal plans. 

NDP Pulls Out of Supply and Confidence Agreement 

If you read the news these last weeks, you likely heard that the NDP has officially withdrawn from their supply and confidence agreement with the Liberals. While this is good news and gets us one step closer to a federal election, it really won’t change much.  

The NDP supported the Liberals for two years before Trudeau called the last election without an official agreement, and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh isn’t eligible for his MP pension until next year, so the odds of an election this fall are pretty slim in my opinion. 

That said, my Conservative colleagues and I continue to call on Jagmeet and the NDP to do the right thing: put the interests of Canadians ahead of their pensions and vote non-confidence in Justin Trudeau so that Canadians can vote now. 

Wrapping Up the Summer 

As the summer recess winds down, I was thrilled to be in Ashcroft for the 135th Ashcroft & District Fall Fair. It was an amazing afternoon celebrating this incredible community and participating in fun competitions!  My kids especially loved the zucchini races! 

Back in the Valley, I recently had a chance to stop by the grand opening of Courthouse Creamery in Mission. As Shadow Minister of Small Business Recovery & Growth, I love to see entrepreneurs taking the risk of starting their own business. I wish Courthouse all the best and will definitely be stopping by again! Since its opening, this business has already become a favourite hangout for families and students returning to Mission Secondary! 

It has been amazing getting out across Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon and connecting with residents, business owners, and the various organizations working hard to make our communities stronger. This summer, I personally knocked on over 500 doors and my team has hit over 5000 already this year. 

One of the biggest concerns raised was hospital closures. While this is beyond my responsibilities federally, the feedback was so overwhelming that I wrote the Provincial Minister of Health, Hon. Adrian Dix, on August 27 to seek answers and a commitment to address the staffing shortages that are often cited as the cause of the closures. Frustratingly, our local MLA for Abbotsford—Mission (and cabinet minister), Hon. Pam Alexis, refuses to address the closures.  

At the upcoming meetings of municipal officials in Vancouver (UBCM), Lillooet will be leading a push to protect the rights of rural and remote Canadians to have access to timely healthcare and hospital facilities. I wish Mayor Hopfl all the best in this very important endeavour.  

You can read my letter to Minister Dix here. 

2025 Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon Calendar 

Back by popular demand, my office is beginning to prepare the 2025 Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon calendar! We got some awesome photos from across the riding last year, and I look forward to seeing all the submissions that come in this year. 

If you have a great photo that showcases some of the natural beauty of our riding and would like to have it featured, please send it to [email protected] with “2025 MMFC Calendar” in the subject line. 

Hearing from you 

In my last newsletter, I asked for your thoughts on the development of the Cade Business Park in Mission. In total, 133 people took the time to respond; thank you! 

Other concerns raised about the development included the lack of appropriate infrastructure for a light industrial site beside a residential area. Many suggested commercial development was more suitable rather than light industrial.  

I will be sharing this information with the City of Mission to help them make informed decisions about traffic flow and the impact it will have on surrounding residents. Please note, however, this project is moving forward and my comments will only be to help mitigate the traffic volume moving forward. I personally spent a few hours monitoring the traffic while door knocking on Nottman St., which I will note is no longer safe for kids to bike or play on due to a large volume of semi-truck traffic.  

Don’t forget to fill out this week’s survey on your priorities for the fall session. Share your thoughts here. 

Your feedback is valued. Please do not hesitate to contact my office to voice your concerns or seek assistance with any federal government programs at 604-814-5710 or [email protected]. I also encourage you to follow me on Facebook, X (Twitter)Instagram, and YouTube, where I post more frequent updates on my work as your MP. 

Thank you, 

Brad Vis, MP  
Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon